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Hillary Clinton told Graham Norton that she didn't want to attend Trump's inauguration

She tried her best to get out of it.

PastedImage-32218 Source: BBC

WHEN IT CAME to Trump’s inauguration, Hillary Clinton wasn’t exactly excited. For obvious reasons, she didn’t want to sit through the event. As a former First Lady, she had no choice.

Speaking to Graham Norton, Clinton said:

Y’know, I really tried to get out of going. I was going not as the candidate or the opponent, but as a former First Lady.
We thought “OK. Maybe others aren’t going.” So y’know, we called the Bushes and the elder Bushes were in the hospital, which I think was legitimate. So then, we called the younger Bushes and they said “Yeah, we’re going.” We called the Carters, they said “Yeah, we’re going.” So, me and Bill looked at each other and said “Well, we gotta go.”

In her new book that she was promoting on The Graham Norton Show, she tries to describe the feeling of realising she had no choice but to go to the inauguration.

I didn’t know what to expect. What I wanted to have happen, was despite the kind of campaign that he ran, I wanted him to rise to the occasion of being our president and being the president for everybody – not just the people who supported him. That didn’t happen.


Clinton describes Trump’s inauguration speech as ‘dark and divisive’.

In her book, she called it a ‘cry from the white nationalist gut’. She describes her disappointment that Trump’s speech wasn’t an outreach, but rather a ‘narrowing and a hammering’ of what he had previously said in his campaign.

Hillary also added that George Bush reportedly said “That was some weird shit.” after Trump was finished. In any other circumstances, disapproval from George Bush is probably a sign that something is actually good. In this case, it just mean that Trump’s speech was appalling even by his standards.

Source: BBC/YouTube

Hillary also spoke about how Trump reacted to her book on Twitter.

Trump wrote “Crooked Hillary Clinton blames everybody (and every thing) but herself for her election loss. She lost the debates and lost her direction!”


Clinton explained that she ignores a lot of Trump’s tweets because there are “too many.” She responded to this one, however saying “I’ve also got a children’s book” and that Trump could learn some “good lessons about working together to solve problems” that she’d be happy to send him.

Source: BBC/YouTube

Clinton also expressed concern about Trump’s use of Twitter to conduct diplomacy.

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About the author:

Kelly Earley

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